Choose from three 12-week coaching packages:

  1. Design Your Life - Get clear on your vision for your future that excites you.

  2. Own Your Light - Connect with your worth, confidence, and inner joy.

  3. Overcome Anxiety - Untwist patterns that rob you of contentment and peace of mind.

Invigorate your life with CLARITY, CREATIVITY, and CONSISTENCY.

The 12-week DESIGN YOUR LIFE coaching package empowers you to invent a VISION for your future that really lights you up.

Get clear on your dreams, strengths, and calling. (Re)connect with your inner joy. Untwist limiting thinking patterns. Create a new roadmap to turn your intentions into reality, fulfilling on your vision — one step at a time.

You’ll gain clarity with creative exercises and techniques drawn from Cognitive Behavioral Science, Mindfulness, Therapeutic Arts, and Positive Psychology; tailored specifically for you and your journey.

Equipped with insights, tools, and structured accountability, you can design a life that invigorates and inspires you.

The 12-Week DESIGN YOUR LIFE Coaching Package includes:

  • 1 x 45 min goal-setting session

  • 10 x 45 min individual coaching sessions

  • 1 x 45 min integration session

  • Audio meditations and guided visualizations

  • Design Your Life Workbook

  • Homework assignments

Sparkle /ˈspärk(ə)l: shine brightly; to throw out sparks.

Like a lantern, lit from within, unshakable confidence radiates from the inside.

The 12-week OWN YOUR LIGHT coaching package empowers you to release self-criticism and self-doubt, and radiate with with confidence, self-acceptance, and inner joy. Get deeply anchored in your worth. (Re)connect with your sparkle. Adjust the warmth and brightness just right for you.

You’ll gain confidence and ease with creative exercises and techniques drawn from Cognitive Behavioral Science, Mindfulness, Therapeutic Arts, and Positive Psychology; tailored specifically for you and your growth.

Equipped with insights, tools, and structured accountability, you can accept yourself just the way you are. Loving-kindness, shined inward and outward, can change the world. Own your light and illuminate the world around you.

The 12-week OWN YOUR LIGHT coaching package includes:

  • 1 x 45 min goal-setting session

  • 10 x 45 min individual coaching sessions

  • 1 x 45 min integration session

  • Audio meditations and guided visualizations

  • Own Your Light Workbook

  • Homework assignments

Anxiety robs us of contentment and the present moment. 

With cognitive-behavioral strategies and mindfulness techniques, it’s possible to rewire anxious thinking to create inner peace.

The 12-week OVERCOME ANXIETY coaching package empowers you to experience calm and ease by shifting the thoughts, body sensations, and emotions that are contributing to your emotional distress. Practice cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness techniques to address stress, ruminating, and chronic worrying.

You’ll gain peace with exercises and techniques drawn from Cognitive Behavioral Science, Mindfulness, and Positive Psychology; tailored specifically for you and your anxious patterns.

Equipped with insights, tools, and structured accountability, you can become less anxious, more calm, and confident in your ability to handle hard or stressful circumstances.

The 12-Week OVERCOME ANXIETY Coaching Package includes:

  • 1 x 45 min goal-setting session

  • 10 x 45 min individual coaching sessions

  • 1 x 45 min integration session

  • Audio meditations and guided visualizations

  • Overcome Anxiety Workbook

  • Homework assignments